Our work with the customer service sectorWith proven experience in working with major call centres including Hastings Direct, Santander and Next Directory, Business 2 Business...
Our work with the care sectorAs a trusted and credible recruitment and training provider, Business 2 Business can supply qualified and experienced healthcare...
Our work with the warehouse and logistics sectorWith over 30 years of experience in providing trusted and reliable recruitment and training solutions, Business 2 Business can provide...
Delivering for AmazonAmazon's fulfilment centre is over 1,000,000 square feet and has created hundreds of new jobs. We've successfully helped Amazon recruit...
Our work with Adecco, WalkersWalkers Crisp Factory in Beaumont Leys is one of the biggest in the world. Approximately 7,000,000 bags of crisps are made each day. We...